tiller switches
Tiller switches allow the tiller operator to activate certain tractor drawn aerial systems while sitting within the tiller cab. These switches are generally in one of three locations in the tiller cab. You will find them slightly above the tiller operator, on the dashboard in front of the steering wheel, or on the floor of the tiller cab. There are some basic switches that almost all tiller cabs will be designed with.
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- Windshield wipers
- Air-conditioner controls
- Heater controls
- Tiller step lights
- Buzzer system
- Dead-man switch
Some departments will request specific switches for the tiller cab dependent on their department’s needs. Consider these areas when designing switches for the tiller cab:
Tiller light switches
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Allowing the tiller operator access to certain lights can be extremely helpful. Most tractor drawn aerials have ground lights for perimeter illumination for the space around the bottom of the apparatus. Depending on how your apparatus is designed these lights may only come on after you have initiated the parking brake. During the design phase make sure to specify that these lights are available to come on anytime while using the apparatus.
These lights can be extremely helpful at night when the apparatus is in tight clearance positions; the light illuminates the objects that are closest to the apparatus. These lights should be accessible to the tiller operator giving the tiller operator the opportunity to turn on the perimeter lights when necessary without requesting the driver's help.
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Tiller wheel lights are helpful for illuminating the ground and objects around the tiller wheels at night. Generally it provides light three feet away from the apparatus lighting up anything next to it such as a car or curb. A switch in the tiller cab for the tiller wheel lights is important and should be easily accessible for the tiller operator.
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Scene flood lights are positioned around the apparatus and have the capability of providing massive light to any space. A lot of departments will specify a floodlight positioned off the back of the tiller cab as part of their scene lights package. This light can be very helpful for the tiller operator when backing in areas that are not well lit. Giving the tiller operator the capability to turn on some or all of these lights can be a great advantage.
Sometimes departments will use foot pedals on the tiller cab floor to turn on and off scene lights. The tiller cab floor is generally a small space and provides an area for the tiller operator’s feet to be placed and re-positioned while maneuvering the trailer. This floor area can also be shared with the dead-man foot pedal and the buzzer foot pedal. Adding additional foot pedals to operate scene lights can greatly reduce the amount of area for the tiller operator’s feet.